Tempting Failure is a festival of international performance art and noise art, showcasing under-represented or extreme artwork that may interrogate risk or challenge preconceptions.
In 2016, TF saw their fifth anniversary and return to London, where it all began. They hosted 85 artists from 13 different countries in 11 locations across 5 different London boroughs in a groundbreaking fifth birthday celebration. All of which was supported by extensive outreach initiatives in the preceding months that allowed artists to directly empower and connect with their peers and local communities.
Conceived in 2011, initially as part of his Ph.D. at University of Bristol to examine specific phenomenological concerns around body art, Tempting Failure was founded by Thomas John Bacon. TF then subsequently expanded to become an annual event and arts organization.
Tempting Failure is invested in the support of Performance Art and Noise Art, as well as the professional development of artists at all stages of their careers and the education of all.
This year, Tempting Failure received 468 applications to be a part of the Biennial. I have been selected to be an Emergent Artist at this year’s festival in London, England. I will be showing a video performance and installation piece titled “Papaw Passing Time” on July 16th, 2018 at Turf Projects in Croydon, London.
If you're in the London area in July, then join me during my performance, and witness the work of some really amazing performance artists from around the globe during the course of the festival.